Wednesday, November 09, 2016


Welcome to the New World Order.  Can't say I'm surprised.


Unknown said...

Did you create LHOHQ?

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's listed in his profile as one of his blogs.

Unknown said...

Lol, this guy is basically a Jewish skankhunt42, misguiding and distracting autists. Bet he even listens to Hebrew hymns while swirling a glass of wine laughing at the fools on /pol/ chasing their own tails. He figuratively putting dicks in their mouths.

Top Kek,

Unknown said...

Evidence of this?


I need info on LHOHQ and I have good intuition that you made LHOHQ and possibly ACDCA.

buster_casey said...

Don't worry, we fixed everything now.

HΓ₯kon B said...

This is the best rabbit hole I have been down in quite a while

Unknown said...

Waffle stomp.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hilo nwo luv use all lots

H0SP1T4LS0CKS said...

I am a black hole. I am the law of attraction. A black hole attracts all the particles of the galaxy. If I add a note to the track of the disc, then as particles are attracted that track happens.