Monday, January 08, 2007

Science and the Afterlife

Regarding Deborah Blum's New York Times article "Ghosts in the Machine," on the electromagnetic induction of perceived paranormal phenomena.

Science and the afterlife have a long and intertwined history: Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison were both interested in communications with the dead, and the RCA Victrola logo, according to Friedrich Kittler, is a depiction of a dog listening to its dead master's voice. The Spirtualist Movement in the early 20th Century America concerned itself with the photography of spirits, relying on the popular view of photography-as-truth associated with the new medium of photography as a means to justify such "radical" ideologies as women's sufferage.

Worth noting also, I think, are the military applications of the Nature study mentioned. Although the US government has recently made public its research into relatively straightforward electromagnetic weapons such as the "Active Denial System," the use of low frequency electromagnetic radiation as a weapon tageting the central nervous system has an extensive pedigree among American and Soviet military researchers. Capt. Paul Tyler's 1986 report, "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" (published in "Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology," edited by Lt. Col. David Dean for the Air University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research & Education, pp. 249-260) discusses some of these applications.

Moreover, remote implementations of a technique known as "transcranial magnetic stimulation" are bound to find similar applicability, if Hendricus Loos's recent patent filings are any indication of the direction this research has taken since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

This technology can be deployed broadly using various stochastic processes, by combining, for example, the effects of the HAARP radio array with the ELF transmitters.

Beyond the ability to influence the moods of large numbers of people, these technologies, combined with the electromagnetic blanket coverage of cellphone towers can be used to pinpoint individuals through the use of passive radar systems, yielding fairly specific sorts of effects.

The Police State wants you one way or another... to be a good consumer... keep the rich getting richer... or... ZAP!


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